Hi. I'm Ed and I build web applications.

Let's work together
More about me

Full Stack Web Development

Back End

I mostly work with Laravel, followed by Firebase, or Express. I love coffee but not Java.

Front End

I prefer Vue, but like learning new frameworks. I'm very comfortable with React, state management, and single page applications.


I pretty much require SASS. I like to build up CSS structure, usually BEM, but most of the time just use Material or Bulma.


Flex, media queries, and defensive coding for an effective interface everywhere.


I prioritize page speed and best practices to make a fast, smooth experience that saves us all time.


10 years of editors, jQueries, frameworks, open source, and web trends for a solid, defensible, evolving dev environment and a PhD in Googling.

Some Recent Work


Since 1987 Marketing By Mail has helped insurance agencies grow their business. I had the opportunity to create an entirely new web presence allowing agents to order customized materials to reach targeted audiences.

Visit Website

"I think you do superb work and are fast and reliable."

Todd Bradford, DIGI Studios.


Marketing By Mail wanted to enhance homeowner marketing by automatically creating a personal information page for each of it's customer's contacts. Agents can completely customize their own pages so prospects can easily view, understand, and follow up.

Visit Website

"Thank you for the excellent work. You are a pleasure to work with."

John Sullivan - President, Marketing By Mail Inc.

Northrop Grumman Logo

Northrop Grumman Corp.

Full Stack Web Developer - 3 years - Web applications in collaboration with the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, EPA, and NASA.

Washington University in St. Louis

Full Stack Web Developer - 4 years at the Center for Air Pollution Impact and Trend Analysis - Geospatial web applications, Open Geospatial Consortium web services, Drupal modules, themes, and community management.

WUSTL logo

Some Personal Projects

More available at Github, Bitbucket, or from me.

Tracker screenshot

A mobile app to visualize daily ratings and factors that may influence them.

Vue, Vuex, Firebase

Kloj screenshot

Kloj.net was a website aggregator designed to make consuming the web more efficient and aesthetic, sort of yet another feed reader. Users create or browse kloj's, a selection of sources with default filtering and behavior, in a variety of designs with extensive customization and publication.

Laravel, Backbone

Contact My Reps screenshot

ContactMyReps tried to keep an accurate, live, exhaustive list of contact methods for US government representatives by combining data from many public sources.

Laravel, Mongo, Vue

PapaSquat.net screenshot

Trying to see how quickly I could set up a simple review site with React, I threw together papasquat.net, a way to quickly find nearby spots to relax outdoors in Portland, Oregon using public data available from Portland Parks.

Laravel, React

Want to know more?

I got my Bachelors of Science in Computer Science at Washington University in St. Louis and now live in Portland, Oregon. I love travel, hiking, movies, philosophy, poker, beer, Las Vegas, and I speak a bit of French. I am confident in all areas of web site development, though I work best with a designer. Whatever your subject or goal, I can make it happen.

Let's Work Together

My mug